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2104 Commerce Street Tacoma WA 98402
June 30, 2021
Horizon Partners Northwest is excited to announce the opening of Camp Colvos Brewing, another Northwest-owned company expanding into Brewery Blocks.
This will be Camp Colvos’ second taproom location, the first being their taproom on Vashon Island. The Tacoma location will feature more than 18 beers on tap, specialized spirits, hand-forged pizza pies, and patio seating. The stand-up granite bar runs the length of the taproom to accommodate the casual pop-in diner along with traditional seating options. Patrons can also expect performances by local musicians.
"We are a community supported brewery and selecting Tacoma as our second location was really a no-brainer,” said Camp Colvos’ co-founder and owner, Matt Lawrence. "We are beyond excited to bring our brewery to Tacoma.”
Annual production is around 800 barrels per year with a 10bbl brewing system. Lawrence adds that his love for the fermentation process in beer (coupled with his Chicago roots) is what led to adding pizza to the menu. “I’m passionate about the dough making process and what happens during fermentation. Our pizza is simple and excellent. No pickles and peanut butter pizza here; we are taking a more traditional approach.”
Camp Colvos Brewing is the fifth retail tenant to join the Brewery Blocks family. They join other confirmed tenants and fellow Pacific Northwest businesses: Incline Cider House, Dancing Goats coffee, the Office of Michael G. Malaier, and Chapter 13 Standing Trustee.
“We are focused on attracting businesses that are community-orientated,” Horizon Partners Northwest President, Mike Bartlett said. “Brewery Blocks is about revitalizing part of Tacoma and creating a place where people want to be. We do our best to attract businesses that create an experience the community wants to be a part of.”
Even though the Vashon-based brewery is a great fit for Tacoma’s developing brewery district, the journey to opening day was not easy. Camp Colvos signed their lease to join Brewery Blocks in October of 2019 and experienced numerous construction delays related to COVID. Getting to opening day was a bumpy road and Lawrence attributes their resilience to the contracting team at Silver Building Construction.
With construction finally behind them, their 2,800 square foot taproom is now open daily, Sunday -Thursday 11am-8pm and Friday and Saturday 11am – 9pm. To celebrate this momentous occasion, they are offering a promotion: if you buy a gift card on their website for $50 or more, Camp Colvos will automatically add in an extra 20% with code “outpost”.
“We want people to be excited to stop in a grab a slice or try the latest creation on tap. We want to be the community brewery where families hang out or grab a pizza to-go,” said Lawrence.
Horizon Partners Northwest has revitalized more than 11 buildings in Tacoma’s downtown core. Brewery Blocks Tacoma is their current project – an estimated $125 million effort. Horizon Partners was recently awarded, by the City of Tacoma Landmarks Preservation Commission, the 2021 Award for Excellence in Commercial Preservation for the restoration of the Hunt-Mottet Warehouse at Brewery Blocks. Learn more at
Alaina Kitz, Kudos Marketing Services